Monday, July 15, 2013

Air Force supported scientist honored with 2013 Körber European Science Prize

Air Force supported scientist honored with 2013 K?rber European Science Prize [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Jul-2013
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Contact: Robert White
Air Force Office of Scientific Research

German physicist Immanuel Bloch will be honored with the 2013 Krber European Science Prize for work stemming directly from former grants provided by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's (AFOSR) European Office of Aerospace Research EOARD), located in London, United Kingdom.

Bloch, who was Principle Investigator for AFOSR grants working with multi-particle entanglement and spatial addressability of ultracold atoms in optical lattices, is to receive the award for his work on lattice-trapped ultracold atoms. This work has opened up new areas of research in quantum simulation, which allows the investigation of ultracold "quantum gases" in artificial crystals made of light, allowing greatly magnified laboratory simulations of solids--which is a term used by physicists to describe solid materials such as metals or ceramics.

By employing this quantum simulator, theoretical models of the structure of solids can be monitored with a degree of accuracy not attainable before in a laboratory setting. These insights can help in the future to develop materials with tailored quantum properties - to the understanding and modeling of new superconductors which can conduct electricity without loss, or possible use in quantum information processing.

The Krber European Science Prize will be presented to Dr. Bloch this coming September 6th. The prize includes 750,000 euros (approximately $1 million) to be used for research activities within three years at the recipient's discretion. Prof Bloch is the second EOARD-funded investigator to receive the prize in the last five years; that honor previously going to Dr. Andre Geim of the University of Manchester in 2009 for his breakthrough work with graphene.

Every year, the Krber European Science Prize honors outstanding scientists working in Europe for their promising research work. The prize is awarded for excellent and innovative research approaches that show great potential for application and international impact. The selection is made by an international Trustee Committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Peter Gruss, President of the Max Planck Society.

EOARD is a key part of a worldwide effort to enhance AFOSR's research portfolio with the latest scientific and engineering advancements, providing coverage of Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Africa.


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Air Force supported scientist honored with 2013 K?rber European Science Prize [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 15-Jul-2013
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Contact: Robert White
Air Force Office of Scientific Research

German physicist Immanuel Bloch will be honored with the 2013 Krber European Science Prize for work stemming directly from former grants provided by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's (AFOSR) European Office of Aerospace Research EOARD), located in London, United Kingdom.

Bloch, who was Principle Investigator for AFOSR grants working with multi-particle entanglement and spatial addressability of ultracold atoms in optical lattices, is to receive the award for his work on lattice-trapped ultracold atoms. This work has opened up new areas of research in quantum simulation, which allows the investigation of ultracold "quantum gases" in artificial crystals made of light, allowing greatly magnified laboratory simulations of solids--which is a term used by physicists to describe solid materials such as metals or ceramics.

By employing this quantum simulator, theoretical models of the structure of solids can be monitored with a degree of accuracy not attainable before in a laboratory setting. These insights can help in the future to develop materials with tailored quantum properties - to the understanding and modeling of new superconductors which can conduct electricity without loss, or possible use in quantum information processing.

The Krber European Science Prize will be presented to Dr. Bloch this coming September 6th. The prize includes 750,000 euros (approximately $1 million) to be used for research activities within three years at the recipient's discretion. Prof Bloch is the second EOARD-funded investigator to receive the prize in the last five years; that honor previously going to Dr. Andre Geim of the University of Manchester in 2009 for his breakthrough work with graphene.

Every year, the Krber European Science Prize honors outstanding scientists working in Europe for their promising research work. The prize is awarded for excellent and innovative research approaches that show great potential for application and international impact. The selection is made by an international Trustee Committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Peter Gruss, President of the Max Planck Society.

EOARD is a key part of a worldwide effort to enhance AFOSR's research portfolio with the latest scientific and engineering advancements, providing coverage of Europe, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Africa.


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